Nia’s two-month update!

Our baby girl is two months today! Of course I’m in disbelief at how quickly time flies and I try to remind myself of that during the tough newborn times. It’s been incredible watching her grow and change (so much change) and just enjoying being her mama. I can’t wait to create more and more memories with my babies!

She’s getting to know herself more and we’ve noticed that she’s doing more with her hands and feet on a daily basis. The funniest thing about her is that she’s a little fighter, and that started in the womb. Those little fists are always balled up and ready to go, which makes me think she’ll be a tough little one!

Month two has been a joy! I feel like we’re able to do more together and she started responding to all of the silly faces and noises we make at her by giving us the biggest smiles! Of course we got 0 smiles for these pictures lol but she’s already shown us how happy she is. Nia sleeps great and only wakes up once in the middle of the night to eat and get changed (maybe twice on a tough night lol). According to my husband, she doesn’t always go back to sleep right away, but I know nothing about that. 😌

AT two MONTHs, nia:

Weighs: 11lbs 8 oz

”Stands at”: 22in

Wears: 0-3 month clothing + size 1 diaper

Loves: listening to good music, eating around the clock, and being snuggled. I noticed that she’s particular about how she’s being held depending on who has her. It’s incredible how kids know so early who will give them exactly what they want and they’ll definitely push for that lol.

Hates: waiting on her food… like will literally scream as if she’s being tortured if we’re seconds late. I also think she hates sleeping on her back, even though it’s what is recommended. Unless she’s swaddled and it’s nighttime, we let her sleep on her stomach near us and she’ll sleep for 3+ hours before getting up. Since she’s able to roll over and holds her head up, it hasn’t been a problem.


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Nia’s one-month update!