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Nia’s two-month update!
This was a series I started when I had my son in 2019 and I can’t believe it’s time to start all over again with my baby girl!
Nia’s one-month update!
This was a series I started when I had my son in 2019 and I can’t believe it’s time to start all over again with my baby girl!
35 week pregnancy update
I recently came across a blogger who did regular pregnancy updates and while I did a monthly update for Micah’s first year, I thought it would be cool to document these last 2 months of my pregnancy!
32 week pregnancy update
I recently came across a blogger who did regular pregnancy updates and while I did a monthly update for Micah’s first year, I thought it would be cool to document these last 2 months of my pregnancy!
Micah’s eleven-month update!
This is the second to last monthly update… how is time such a meanie?! I can’t believe I’ll have a one-year-old child in a month!
Micah’s ten-month update!
We’re two months away from a full year on this earth! My beautiful baby boy is now ten months and we’re having a blast.
Micah’s nine-month update!
Nine months in… and nine months out! We’re three short months away from the big one and mama is losing it.
Micah’s eight-month update!
Micah… or should I say mommy’s shadow is 8 months today! When I say the attachment is REAL… I mean it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m in love with how much this little human loves his mama.
Micah’s seven-month update!
This weekend has been one of celebration! Our handsome man turned seven months and we made it to two years of marriage.
Portpartum Depression
Although this isn’t the most popular topic, ever since I had my baby, I heard more and more women talk about their experiences and how it affected them post-baby.
Micah’s five-month update!
My baby is 5 months going on grown! The older he gets, the more independent he wants to be. It’s so cool watching him learn more and pushing that to the limit — on the other hand, I need him to chill out!
Our birth story
For the amount of times that I’ve told this story, you’d think I’d be sick of it by now. But, I love reminiscing about the story behind how I brought my little honey into the world.
Micah’s three-month update!
Baby boy is three months! I still can’t believe I’m a mom sometimes… let alone his mom. He’s such a special kid who seems to make everyone fall in love the minute they meet him and I get to have him all to myself!
Micah’s two-month update!
A few days ago, hubby and I went on a baby-free date. While we were out, he asked how I felt about parenthood so far as we’ve made it to 2 months. I wanted to sincerely think about my answer before just saying, “it’s been great!”
Micah’s one-month update!
Throughout my pregnancy, I heard “time flies” more than ever before. Now, of course I already knew that, but experiencing that with my own child has been… interesting.