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Holiday activities in Orlando.
Hi, friends! It’s no secret this is my favorite time of year… so of course I want to share some of my favorite things to do around the Orlando area, and some things on my “to-experience” list.
My husband’s first time in New Orleans!
Let me start this by saying that New Orleans is one of my favorite places ever. It instantly makes me happy when I touch down — especially now that the airport is completely renovated and it’s just gorgeous. My husband is an incredible jazz musician who has never been to the city of jazz, as I call it, so I had to finally change that.
Hair products I’m loving right now.
As a curly girl with 2 (or maybe 3) different hair textures, I’m constantly on the hunt for the best hair products. And, let me be clear, the “best” just means what my hair responds to better at the time.
3 things I learned about myself in 2021.
What a year! We left 2020 with a lot of hope and we weren’t disappointed. I think I used to view hope as something perfect—all ideal outcomes or nothing at all.
2020 in review
Every time I engage in any negative conversation about 2020 and I start to promote the idea that this year sucked… I catch myself and change how I approach the situation.
MOOD. A playlist for creatives.
I really should be sleeping right now, but after watching Erykah Badu #verzuz Jill Scott, I was so inspired!
Who doesn’t love rom coms?
It’s love month! Now, as much as we all hear this, let me be the one to say it again… let’s not wait until a special occasion comes along to love on our partners and loved ones.