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Faith Yohanna Law Faith Yohanna Law

My immigration journey pt. 3

So, now we’re in February 2018 and we sent in our very long application for my permanent residency. I’m not gonna lie, I was very happy and couldn’t believe I finally did it.

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Lifestyle Yohanna Law Lifestyle Yohanna Law

2020 in review

Every time I engage in any negative conversation about 2020 and I start to promote the idea that this year sucked… I catch myself and change how I approach the situation.

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Faith Yohanna Law Faith Yohanna Law

My immigration journey pt. 2

So, now we’re in 2014 and I’m in graduate school. As I mentioned in part one of this series, I was fortunate to have a program advisor who really cared and she helped me get an assistantship so I was getting paid from the job and had a tuition waiver.

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Faith Yohanna Law Faith Yohanna Law

My immigration journey pt. 1

This journey is pretty familiar to those closest to me… or so I thought. Interestingly enough, there were quite a few friends who had no idea about what I was really going through.

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Lifestyle Squaremuse Team Lifestyle Squaremuse Team

Who doesn’t love rom coms?

It’s love month! Now, as much as we all hear this, let me be the one to say it again… let’s not wait until a special occasion comes along to love on our partners and loved ones.

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Mommy Life Yohanna Law Mommy Life Yohanna Law

Micah’s five-month update!

My baby is 5 months going on grown! The older he gets, the more independent he wants to be. It’s so cool watching him learn more and pushing that to the limit — on the other hand, I need him to chill out!

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