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Nia’s two-month update!
This was a series I started when I had my son in 2019 and I can’t believe it’s time to start all over again with my baby girl!
Nia’s one-month update!
This was a series I started when I had my son in 2019 and I can’t believe it’s time to start all over again with my baby girl!
Building our first home pt. 3
So, we left off on Dec. 29, 2021, when we visited our house and the blocks were up. I had a pretty fun time imagining how everything would look once it was done based on where we were at that point.
Holiday activities in Orlando.
Hi, friends! It’s no secret this is my favorite time of year… so of course I want to share some of my favorite things to do around the Orlando area, and some things on my “to-experience” list.
Building our first home pt. 2
So, we left off with us putting the sold sticker over our lot sign and just feeling incredibly blessed. After that day [Sept. 17, 2021], we had quite a bit of paperwork to read, sign, and submit so that part wasn’t the most fun.
35 week pregnancy update
I recently came across a blogger who did regular pregnancy updates and while I did a monthly update for Micah’s first year, I thought it would be cool to document these last 2 months of my pregnancy!
32 week pregnancy update
I recently came across a blogger who did regular pregnancy updates and while I did a monthly update for Micah’s first year, I thought it would be cool to document these last 2 months of my pregnancy!
Building our first home pt. 1
The beginning of this story always cracks me up because I’m truly a drama queen. I guess it doesn’t bother me as much because I can keep my cool when there’s an actual serious problem, but this started with a very dramatic Yohanna lol. Let me back it up a little bit to a few months before we started this process.
My husband’s first time in New Orleans!
Let me start this by saying that New Orleans is one of my favorite places ever. It instantly makes me happy when I touch down — especially now that the airport is completely renovated and it’s just gorgeous. My husband is an incredible jazz musician who has never been to the city of jazz, as I call it, so I had to finally change that.
Hair products I’m loving right now.
As a curly girl with 2 (or maybe 3) different hair textures, I’m constantly on the hunt for the best hair products. And, let me be clear, the “best” just means what my hair responds to better at the time.
3 things I learned about myself in 2021.
What a year! We left 2020 with a lot of hope and we weren’t disappointed. I think I used to view hope as something perfect—all ideal outcomes or nothing at all.
Squaremuse review!
Let me just begin by saying how thankful I am for coming across the work of the Squaremuse team. I’ll start with a little backstory…
My immigration journey pt. 4
Here we are in year 2020… when the world basically was set on fire. Before COVID-19 became what we know now, our lives started to reset and get back to normal. My husband and I moved back to Orlando in February, he was getting so many career opportunities, and I was planning on going back to UCF.
Benefits of the Daniel Fast
This year started in a life-changing way — and it’s all because of the Daniel fast. I’ve struggled with discipline for so long, especially dealing with food and my faith.
5 reasons why I love Flodesk + discount code!
Hi, friends! Happy 2021! One of my business goals this year is to engage with you more and to send out meaningful newsletters once a month. Last year, I tried out Mailchimp again — I used to use it back in the day for work and decided to give it a try again, but I wasn’t happy.